The Thermomix® guide to Filipino food

The Thermomix® guide to Filipino food

You may be starting to hear people talk about Filipino food, even see restaurants and food trucks popping up around the place. Maybe you’ve had ‘ube’ as a flavour at your local gelateria?

Filipino food is still a far a lesser-known cuisine than a lot of its south-east Asian cousins, but it’s on the rise (watch this space!). Both traditional recipes and those with a modern twist are starting to take the culinary world by storm with its punchy flavours and of course, the signature and very trendy star ingredient, Ube (pronounced oo-beh – a purple yam) which is appearing in everything from the traditional Ube jam, to gelato, breads, pies and more.

We love travelling with Thermomix® through food. Tasting authentic flavours from all over the world right in our very own kitchens. So, it’s time to travel to The Philippines with our new recipe collection on Cookidoo®, Filipino Flavours.

The Philippines has a rich history of colonialization, which has fed into the flavours and influences in its food. China, Spain, India, Malaysia… they all have a part to play in the culmination of the cuisine, which is a balance of sweet, salty and sour.

Take this culinary tour with us through some of the Thermomix® recipes in the collection, then head over to Cookidoo® for the full experience.

Ube halaya jam

Ube halaya jam

Yes, it’s unconventional to lead with the sweets, but we’ve got to start here! Ube jam is the traditional special treat of Filipino food made from the characteristic ube purple yam and evaporated and condensed milk.

“We would always have this at Christmas in The Philippines,” says Thermomix® Consultant Fides Tangarorang. “It was a special treat because, traditionally, it’s very time-consuming to make as you have to clean and boil the ube before you start and then stir at the stove for 40 minutes, otherwise it will burn. But in Thermomix®, it’s only four steps, you can set and forget, and then just blend. We have it way more often now!”

Enjoy it chilled and sliced into wedges, swirled through breads or just spread on top.

You’ll find the Ube halaya jam, Ube gelato and Ube nut pie recipes in our Filipino Flavours collection on Cookidoo®. Learn more about ube, as an ingredient, here.

Pan de sal

Pan de sal bread rolls

Another staple of Filipino cuisine, Pan de sal bread rolls are traditionally eaten at breakfast. Soft on the inside and crunchy outside, they’re also great for morning or afternoon tea, served with your favourite sweet or savoury spreads or fillings. Super hard to find in the stores, guess what – they’re super easy to make at home with Thermomix®. All in one bowl and taking only 10 minutes of your active time (plus proving and baking time), there’s no excuse not to try these rolls developed for Thermomix® by chef John Rivera from Kariton Sorbetes for the recipe!

Take me to the Pan de sal recipe!

Chicken and pork adobo

Chicken and pork adobo

Potentially the best-known export of Filipino food is the adobo. Largely recognised as the Filipino national dish, it’s as common in Filipino households around the world as pasta is in Italian ones. Every region, even most families, will have their version but the constant is the ‘marinade’ or sauce. Coming from the Spanish word ‘adobar’, meaning ‘to marinade’, the combination of soy and vinegar to marinade and tenderise the meat is the dish’s signature touch.

Ready in just two steps in your Thermomix® and with less than 10 ingredients, it’s a must-try mid-week meal.

Take me to the Chicken and pork adobo recipe!

Pancit palabok

Pancik Palabok Filipino dish

Filipino “street food”, Pancit palabok is a chicken and shrimp noodle dish made with cornstarch sticks (also known as Palabok noodles – you’ll find them at your local Asian grocers). Like so much south-east Asian street food, the secret to getting that flavour just right is in the spice mix. And, with Thermomix®, you don’t need to buy it pre-made.

“I love that I don’t need to buy packet mixes from the shops,” says Fides. “You get that authentic flavour without any of the hidden nasties or sugars.”

Taste it for yourself!

Catch a glimpse of some of over amazing Filipino food favourites:

This is only the beginning! Head on over to Cookidoo® to explore the full collection and plan your culinary trip to The Philippines.

Filipino Flavours Cookbook